Saturday, October 30, 2010

"You can observe a lot just by watching"

And to borrow Yogi Berra's famous phrase, Freeport can learn a lot about how to become a better place to live by learning from other cities. Ken Bonsack recently took the FreeportProGov camera and microphone to the home of Roy Buol, Mayor of Dubuque. Please take a few minutes and watch this interview on YouTube!

Every city has it's own unique strengths - but ever city can benefit from Professional City Management. As Mayor Buol describes, City Manager Mike Van Milligen works is a key team member, implementing policy set forth by the Mayor and City Council - and the many citizens who serve as volunteer advisors and partners.

Have you heard the phrase "Sustainable Dubuque"? Or how the City of Dubuque is partnering with IBM to not only become a "Smarter City" - but to bring 1,300 good-paying jobs to town? Watch the videos and you will be inspired - we can do better! And it starts with your YES vote for City Manager on Nov. 2.

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